April 7, 2014

Messy Door Jamb - Update

I just realized that I got so wrapped up in our Board and Batten project that I forgot to update the Door Jamb replacement job that I did!  As stated earlier, I had to do this repair because the previous owners had used wood putty to cover an old metal plate and that plate was starting to show through. I was worried that it would cut someone coming into the house. The plate also pushed the trim out away from the wall which made it harder for me to finish the trim painting like I wanted too.

This is how the door looked with the main latch plate removed. It looks like they hand chiseled the hole larger at some point in time. To the right, you can see the plate that I was talking about earlier. Its pretty clear to see why I wanted it gone.

I started out by cutting out the entire section, door knob and deadbolt included. 

I then cut a board to fit and drilled out spots for the deadbolt and door latch plates, drilled it into place and mudded over the seams. 

The final step was to paint the patch as well as the rest of the trim. In this photo, you can see the seam pretty well. That is because I used a hammer to try and knock the latch plate into the wood a bit. I didn't realize at the time, it would break my seam up. I have since fixed it and repainted and its no longer noticeable. 

I am really happy with the way it turned out and it looks so much better than it did before. I realize that security was compromised a bit by the patch but we also have a solid storm door that is also always locked. 

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